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Empowering Young Readers.


Empowering Young Readers.


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There are approximately 73 million children in the United States.

There are approximately 73 million children in the United States.

There are approximately 73 million children in the United States.

25 million can't read proficiently in English.

25 million can't read proficiently in English.

25 million can't read proficiently in English.

6.7 million don't have access to a single age-appropriate book at home.

6.7 million don't have access to a single age-appropriate book at home.

6.7 million don't have access to a single age-appropriate book at home.

11 million children live below the poverty line.

11 million children live below the poverty line.

11 million children live below the poverty line.

Children living above the poverty line have

access to an average of 13 age-appropriate

books at home.

Children living above the poverty line have access to an average of 13 age-appropriate books at home.

Children living above the poverty line have

access to an average of 13 age-appropriate

books at home.

For children living below the poverty line,

there is only one age-appropriate book available

for every 300 children.

For children living below the poverty line, there is only one age-appropriate book available for every 300 children.

For children living below the poverty line,

there is only one age-appropriate book available

for every 300 children.

Percentage of 4th Graders Reading Below the NAEP Basic* Level



      Percentage of 4th Graders Reading Below the NAEP Basic* Level



          Select your state to find local non-profits that are working to expand child literacy.

          Select your state to find local non-profits that are working to expand child literacy.

          Select your state to find local non-profits that are working to expand child literacy.

          ©️ 2024 Jaye Marie Vanyo